This will ensure that your virtual machine boots from your High Sierra disc image. Select “System” from the side menu and make sure that “Floppy” is unticked in the “Boot Order” settings. With your virtual machine highlighted, click on the “Settings” cog. In this setup, you can use only one operating system at a time. Using Mac OS as a dual-boot with windows: In this setup, we make the operating system dual-boot like Linux dual-boot operating system. Install Mac os sierra on windows pc without Mac on a virtual machine. Here is the tutorial you should go to install mac os on a virtual machine. Below is the list of Mac OS versions released in recent years: Mac OS Version: Name: Release Date: 10.10: Yosemite: June 2014: 10.11: El Capitan: September 30, 2015: 10.12: Sierra: June 12, 2016: 10.13: High Sierra: June 5. Fortunately, you can experience the Mac OS right on your computer by installing a Mac OS virtual machine on VirtualBox.