These interpretive places use the time to focus on fixing things, or cleaning them up. Sometimes the weather forces the place to close because it is too cold, wet, hot, or some other environmental conditions occur that makes it slow down. Maybe it is when the weather is beautiful when all the tourists come out. Many of these places have a 'busy season' where school, church, and other kinds of group visitation is at its highest. Rest can happen at the places where interpretation happens too. 'All work and no play makes Jack an dull boy.' Take the time to use days off or lieu days to take care of yourself. We take rest to help us relax, get our mind off of work, and to have a good sleep-in every so often.
A sharply sent comment can ruin a school or keep a returning group from returning again. When we get stressed we get short and angry with people easily. That stress and fatigue can mean burn-out. Too many days working leads to stress and fatigue.